So I installed the granite vanity top in the hall bathroom at the Tallahassee house that has to be rented before I can move into my bungalow. Yeah, I have a lot on my plate.
First I carried the slab up to the bathroom. It was very heavy and I had to be careful because if you torque it in the wrong way, it will just snap in two. I've seen it happen. You have to hold the slab from the center hole. I had to take it from in the garage and around the outside of the house and then up the stairs. Then I grabbed the bowl and the clips. I put the slab onto the vanity and mounted the bolts into the pre-drilled (thank goodness!) holes. Then I put a generous bead of kitchen and bath adhesive caulk around the perimeter of the opening on the slab. I centered the sink basin onto the hole and held it in place with one hand as I installed the four clips, washers and nuts with the other. When everything was finger tight, I made sure the whole thing was centered and then tightened everything down. Then I carefully lowered the whole vanity top into the vanity. It fit perfectly! Looks NICE, eh?
Parker inspects the undermount sink bowl for cracks or imperfections. Finding none, he instructs me to proceed.
I have the slab on the vanity, balanced precariously.
Here is a closeup of one of the bolts installed into a pre-drilled hole.
And the whole thing is installed and together. No I have no pictures in between. I was holding the caulked bowl in one hand and tightening the clips with the other and then lowering the whole thing with both hands, so, sorry, no pics!